The founding members Anna Will and Fanny Schorr toured Africa in 2012. This is a text they wrote during their stay in Kenya.

Did you know that humans are humans everywhere?

In Berlin as well as in the slums of Nairobi. And poverty is not just a word.

It lives deep in the bones. It is a feeling of one’s own life and a dungeon.

A sea of ​​barracks. In the streets dwelling fear.

Desperate mothers. Too many children.

Beaten children. Lonely children. They collect garbage. Your child survives! It survives, survives – or dies.

Father is dead or at work, brings home 50 cents.

Prostitution brings money and AIDS. Education is a paradise.

Health a luxury.

The family sticks together. How else can they survive? Or live.

How should they live?

The lucky ones die at 55. The price of life.

What could become of all of this. No chance.

Black despair in the corners of every room. She creeps in unnoticed, does not go away!

“Don’t you see the life !?” “Oh Anna – I forget it too …”

Everyone lives alone. What does it mean to be human?

I scream “No!” I scream “NOOOOO!”.

Is this life. May it be?

What does it mean to be human?

You survive by yourself! Is that allowed?

Darkness and black shadows. Human abyss, death soul.

Hollow eyes screaming hearts.

Next to me a handsome young man. He turns his head. He looks at me!

I’m afraid.

His eyes disappear in emptiness …

Sucked dry by life. So much caged pain.

They scream. They scream. THEY SCREAM.

——— they stay silent ————-

It stains the ground when a human body becomes a bloody mass.

It stiagns to the grooind whennnn ain human bodddy becomes a bloooooody mass.

It stains the grooouuuund ….

Innocent murderers!

The slum knows no mercy!

Shots, knives, stones, everything right, which promises power!

Dragging despair.

Fire of hatred.

NO way out ……

Fear builds walls. Though we just try to be good. Everywhere. To just be good. To be good…

Everyone lives alone. What does it mean to be human?

I scream “Neeeiiin”. I scream “No!”

Pure in the heart.

But take the stone.

What does it mean to be human? You survive by yourself.

That’s how it has to be.

It’s so easy for us to go. Our friends have to stay.

A system of injustice. How can birth decide so much. Nationality does not say who you are.


A system of injustice. Generated by the history of this world.

Everyone has their reasons !!!

And people scream no matter if we hear them or not.

See our friend as he breaks apart piece by piece-

we can go new ways!

Hope do not let me go! – Hold me.

hold me.

We function on our own. What does it mean to be human?

I scream “No!” , I scream “NO!”.

Is that life. May it be.

What does that mean to be human? You function for you alone.

That’s how it has to be. Is that allowed?

Next to us is our friend.

We are not that different.

We hear it screaming inside you. So loud, you yourself can not hear it.

He takes us in his arms saying, “I’m protecting you – Please stay !!”

Between laughing, between crying we look at each other.

Humanity can be so great, that it forgets the walls.

Despair so great, that it forgets humanity.

We hear it screaming inside you. So loud, that you can not hear it at all.

Heroes living in iron barracks, looking for lights, in masses of garbage.

Looking for the light, who in this world is not doing that.

Looking for the light, who is not doing that ….

Poverty is not just a word.

It lives deep in the bones.

It is a feeling of life

and a dungeon.

is that fair?

ein Blick über die Dächer des Mali Saba Slums