We support impressive people in Kenya
in their efforts to provide education for children from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Today, education is the key to escape poverty and lead a self-determined life.
To ensure that 100% of the donations arrive where they are needed, our collaboration is based upon direct contact with the project initiators.

Our philosophy
No administration costs
100% of the donations arrive where they are needed. All administrative costs such as Western Union fees, printing costs for flyers or others, are covered by the founding members of the association.
We all have a responsibility for the world in which we live. We have the opportunity to create and participate - and we use this opportunity actively and directly.
We support projects initiated by impressive people in Kenya. Our aim is not to impose our ideas on anyone but to support people in their self-help as well as the project initiators with their work.
Against racism
We do not only support educational work in Kenya through donations but, at the same time provide educational input in Germany.
Critical Reflection
We are born into a world that is continuously shaped by postcolonial structures. For instance, in Kenya the economy is still focused on coffee, tea, and cut flowers.
One of our principles is for everyone to be able to participate. Even people with little income want to take part in collectively solving the problems of the world.